Thursday 7 October 2010

The Start

I was not 'brought up, in the church, neither of my parents were church goers. 5 years ago I was at a low point and a friend witnessed to me about Jesus and I started attending a local Pentecostal church. To cut a long story short i was baptised and classified myself as a 'born again Christian'. I was happy for a year or two, then I had this deep urge to question things and not accept things blindly and going with the flow. Dan Brown and the Da Vinci Code really opened my path of seeking and re-discovery at a more deeper level ironically - subsequently I have been on a fantastic 'journey' of discovery, albeit spiritual I have turned to books as a source of information and reference. I no longer view myself as 'christian' but a seeker of my truth (even though at the moment I think I need to take a break at let things absorb!). I have discovered so much more. It has lead me on a path of self discovery, inner knowledge, belief, the unknown, an apprecation of life and what we have. I have a keen interest for Eastern Philiosphy, Buddhism, Metaphysics and all things spiritual (a far cry from Christianity!) I am not knocking any faith, but I can only speak from my experience.

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