Sunday, 24 October 2010

University of Spiriturality

Spiritual is what I am...

Spirituality should be a natural practice...why do we make life more complicated than what it needs to be. I am learning and trying to just be me.

Why can that be so hard?

Work, expectations, friends and family all take a chunk. Sometimes, I think take 'time out' for me is being selfish, a recluse or even unsociable.

I am a mother of an eight year old (going on eighteen), a wife and work/commute full-time in the City, my only solace and space I find is in those commuting hours...a time to read, think and meditate.

I find that I am always searching for that space, trying to better myself and elevate my thoughts onto the greater good and self knowledge. 

I came across this site University of Spirituality...ummmm more food for thought!

How do I incorporate it into day to day life...or am I just making it complicated??? 

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